Online Honesty Code

As a registered user on this site, you must acknowledge and agree to be bound by the site's Online Honesty Code.  By clicking "Next" below you are indicating that you have read the code.  You will be asked to agree to the policy by selecting "I agree to the Online Honesty Code" on another page.

By agreeing to this code and continuing to use the site, you attest as follows:

  1. I will use my own name, and only register or log-in to the site with my own account.
  2. I will submit only my own original work as assignments, answers to quizzes or other course-related submissions on the site.
  3. I will not make available, or reproduce in any way, the course materials on this site including quiz and assignment questions or the solutions to those questions (whether written by me, or provided by the site).
  4. I agree to have my conduct in all offerings on this site governed by the generally accepted principles of academic honesty and integrity.

Failure to meet the standards embodied by the 4 statements above will be grounds for removal from the activities on this site and could be cause for further discipline including forfeiture of any training status that might be held with Ontario Sailing or Sail Canada and/or discipline under the respective organizations' Codes of Conduct and the standards of professionalism required for certification in NCCP programming.

The full text of the Sail Canada Code of Conduct can be found here.

The full text of the Ontario Sailing Participant's Code of Conduct can be found here.