Ontario Sailing E-Learning
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Notice tells you how we, OSA-Elearning (Ontario Sailing Association), will collect and
use your personal data to provide our service of online education on the subject of Sailing and Boating in the Province of Ontario.
Who we are
OSA-Elearning.ca is owned and operated by the Ontario Sailing Association (Ontario Sailing) 70 Unsworth Drive, Unit 17 Hamilton, ON L8W 3K4. Ontario Sailing is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization committed to the promotion and development of all aspects of boating and sailing. Ontario Sailing consists of over 200 member clubs, sailing schools, camps & affiliates who represent over 10,000 member families and service over 100,000 boaters.
Privacy and personal data
We take your privacy very seriously. In order to provide access to this site, we need to collect and store personal information about you.
What is collected?
We collect the data that you
provide when creating an account, such as name and email. We also
collect data about your activity on the site, including any
contributions that you make, answers and submissions of files/assignments in courses in which you are participating.
How is this information used?
This information is only used as set out below:
- To provide access to the online courses on this site.
- To track progress and achievement in courses in which you have registered.
- To provide user-facing features such as google-drive integration enabling you to save and submit google docs and assignment files stored in your personal google drive.
How long is my data stored?
Your personal data is stored as long as your account is active on this site.
Limited Use disclosure
OSA-elearning.cas use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
Full Policy
OSA-Elearning.ca is owned and operated by the Ontario Sailing Association 70 Unsworth Drive, Unit 17 Hamilton, ON L8W 3K4. This site, and the entire organization of Ontario Sailing is governed by the privacy policy set-out below:
Please visit our Governance Page at https://ontariosailing.ca/about/governance for a full listing of the association's other up-to-date policies.